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Most Handsome Man of Nepal

The most handsome man of Nepal rated by Girls in Kathmandu is none other than a common name in Nepal. Everyone female of Nepal wants to make him their dream boy. We did a voting among many young teen students in different colleges of Nepal and they rated him the most gorgeous male in Nepal. Here is the list of top 10 handsome Men of Nepal.

1. Anmol KC:

Anmol KC the actor of Dream Movie and the son of legend Nepali Film Actor Bhuwan KC has topped the chart as the most handsome man of Nepal till 2017. He may not have gained the desired flair in acting however his looks has been the most discussed topic among Nepali Teen Girls.


  1. <BODY ONLOAD=alert('Return Immediatedly, This site has been hacked')


    handsome boy in nepal


  4. What about the legendary Nirdesh Shrestha? I think Nirdesh Shrestha is the most handsome man from Nepal.

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