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Best Nepali Songs of All Time

There are many songs that are hit in Nepal till date. However there are few songs that touches every body heart and mind. Here are the few songs in Nepal that are rated among the top by our voting team.

1. Euta Manche Ko Mayale, Narayan Gopal:

Narayan Gopal is worshiped as a God of Singing in Nepal by all. It is often said that if Nepali language would be like English spoken all over the world perhaps Narayan Gopal would be even beat the beatles and be worshiped as the best singer of the world.

2. Parkhi Base Aula Bhani:

Another dazzling number of Narayan Gopal, it remained in the top chart till many days when the song was first released. This song is a very sentimental song loved by many Nepali.

3. Mutu Jali Rahechha, Bhakta Raj

This is an extremely touching song beyond par song by Bhakta Raj Acharya. This would arguably be voted as the top song by many Nepali brother and sisters. The lines of the song is very touching. When hearning this song it feels like there is the sensation of burning inside while we hear this song. Guys whose heart is burnt once can even tell it better the value of this song.

4. Ukali Orali Haruma

Tara Devi is widely regarded as the Saraswoti of Nepali Music. There is a great myth on this song and many people have different versions of their stories. However, it is a very loved song in Nepal. Many females dedicate this song to their lovers, boyfriends, crush and husbands. Isn't it a romantic feeling to dedicate such song to your beloved?



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