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MBBS College


MBBS known as Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery. Lots of people dream is to become not only a doctor but also become a specialist in particular subject. Doctors demanding are high in every nation. So, lots of people are studying MBBS with lots of ambition. MBBS is very popular in all time. As it demanding and popular by its name ,harder it is to complete by the overall rating of people .But actually passing MBBS is easy for those who heartily study and have a one dream to become a real doctor. To complete MBBS it took about 4 and half year plus 1 year internship.

In Content of Nepal, Student must complete +2 in science faculty or diploma in science sector to join MBBS. IN MBBS, there are 3 courses with different topic. Commonly 1 course contains 6-7 topics. You can get two degree in MBBS (medicine and surgery). Some student go abroad to study MBBS but most student study MBBS in own country #NEPAL. Student should give entrance exam after completing their +2 or diploma in science. It is very important to give the exam because college will not accept any students who don’t give the entrance examination. This exam will determine your talent and to get scholarship. Some student get scholarship other wont .Those who won’t get scholarship among them some student pay full cost to study while other loss 1 year and again they give entrance examination to get scholarship.

Good decision should be made while entering MBBS. One wrong move will cost your life in bad position. Just like choosing right colleges/university. List of MBBS colleges/University are given below:

1. Institute of Medicine(IOM), Affiliate with T.U, Contact no:01-4410911
2. Patan Academy of Health Sciences(PAHS), Contact no:01-5545114,
3. Kathmandu Medical School, Affiliate with K.U, Contact no:01-4469064
4. College of Medical Sciences, Affiliate with K.U, Contact no:056-524203
5. B.P. Koirala Institution of Health Sciences(BPKIHS), Contact no:25-525555
6. Gandaki Medical College, Affiliate with T.U, Contact no:61-538595


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